Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It was great having her as Mom ..

I got to know her on 12th Dec, 1975 .. and I now know that it was at least 9 months before this date that she got to know about me .. well, nothing new, she knew more about me even on her last day in this world than I will ever know about her! She is my mom, after all. No big deal for her.. but, a huge deal for me.

She knew my pains, my troubles, my mood swings, my insecurities, my aspirations etc etc .. She knew it without me telling them to her. She knew by looking at me what was going on inside me right from the time I sat on the bonnet of APM on my way to school in kundapura to the time I was working beside her bedside on 23rd Sept, 2010.

She took in my tempers, forgave my swears, fed me well, taught me well, saved consciously, dreamed, planned and gifted me a house. She gave me dad, two sisters and a wife and taught them all they need to know to steady me in times of my need. Am I in her debt ? No, she would say .. but I know that the debt I have incurred can be written off in miniscule bits by being a good caretaker for the love assets she's left me ..

Oh, & she repeated all this twice again for her daughters ... they would have their own stories.

It was great having her as Mom....